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If you are interested to drastically improve your handstand/balancing skills, you could order personal training sessions with Valentyn Stratiienko.

Choose the Amount of Sessions You Need

  • 1 Online Session

    Perfect Your Skills
    • One on One Video Call with Valentyn Stratiienko
    • Intense Training session
    • Analysis of your Technique
    • Personalized Exercises
    • Follow up regarding your Progress
  • 3 Online Sessions

    Learn from a Professional and Level up Your Skills
    • Three One on One Video Calls with Valentyn Stratiienko
    • Three Intense Training sessions
    • Analysis of your Technique
    • Personalized Exercises
    • Follow up regarding your Progress
  • Best Value

    8 Online Sessions

    Best Value. Take Your Skills to the Absolutely New Level
    • Eight One on One Video Call with Valentyn Stratiienko
    • 8 Intense Training sessions
    • Analysis of your Technique
    • Personalized Exercises
    • Unlimited Follow up (During the Course of Training)

Upon Making an Order you will receive an email with detailed instructions as to how you can program the sessions for the date/time convenient for you. 

You will be able to communicate with Valentyn directly.

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